American Sniper” is a biographical war drama film that follows the experiences of Chris Kyle, a US Navy SEAL who served four tours of duty in Iraq. The movie depicts Kyle’s service in the military, including his time as a sniper, and his struggles with PTSD after returning home. The film was a commercial success and received several award nominations, including six Academy Award nominations and one win for Best Sound Editing.
One interesting detail in the movie is the VIP Safety Light that Bradley Cooper’s character, Chris Kyle, wears on his vest during his deployments. This safety light is a product of Adventure Lights, a Canadian company that specializes in durable, waterproof, and shock-resistant safety lights for military and law enforcement use.
The reason why the VIP Safety Light was used in the movie is that it is the actual light used by the US Navy SEALs during their deployments.
The VIP Safety Light, is a small, lightweight device that emits a powerful and highly visible strobe light. The light can be seen from up to three miles away and is used by the military and law enforcement agencies worldwide to signal and mark locations, identify friend or foe, and communicate silently.
The reason why the VIP Safety Light was used in the movie is that it is the actual light used by the US Navy SEALs during their deployments. The light is considered an essential piece of equipment for the SEALs, as it helps them maintain visibility and communicate in low-light situations, such as during nighttime operations or when moving through dark buildings.
The Adventure Lights VIP Safety Light is designed to withstand extreme conditions and is waterproof up to 300 feet. It has a long battery life and can run for up to 250 hours on one set of batteries. The light is also available in different colors, including white, red, blue, and green, to suit different operational needs.
In conclusion, the use of the Adventure Lights VIP Safety Light in the movie “American Sniper” is not just a Hollywood prop but a real-life piece of equipment used by US Navy SEALs and other military and law enforcement agencies worldwide. The light is a testament to Adventure Lights’ commitment to providing reliable and high-quality safety lights for those who risk their lives to protect us.